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雅思听力 剑5 Test1 Section 2

发布时间:2017-03-10 10:20:00 关注量:13604次

Brand of Cot

Good Points



Baby Safe

Easy to __move around__
Did not have any __brakes__

Babies could trap their __fingers__


Choice Cots

Easy to __put together__
Side did not drop down

Spaces between the bars were __too wide__


Mother's Choice

Base of cot could be moved
Did not have any __wheels__

Pictures could be removed easily

__best buy/safe__
1. 根据Easy to 判断此空需要动词,以easy to 为定位词,原文
Our tears liked the fact that it had four wheels, so it was easy to move around.

The only slight problems with this cot were that ithad no breaks, but they didn't think that mattered too much.

3. 根据trap,判断此空需要名词,原文
At first they were a bit concerned about the side car, because they felt babies could trap their fingers in it.

4. Verdict 是评价的意思,需要个总结性的信息,原文
But our testers felt that this was unlikely to happen so they have given this one a verdict of 'satisfatory'.

5. 同1,原文
The next cot was by Choice Cots and this time our testers were pleased to find a cot which is simple to put together - unlike others we looked at.

However, the real problem with this cot was the space between the bars; our testers found they were too wide and a baby could easily trap his head.

7. 同4,需要个形容词,原文
We felt this was a real safety hazard and so we have labelled this one dangerous, I'm afraid.

8. 根据have,判断此空需要名词,原文
The negatives for this one were quite minor; the only niggle everyone had was the fact that ithas no wheels and the only other problem anyone could find.

9. 同理,需要个评价,原文
As this cot will then be safe in every way, we have made the Mother's Choice cot our best buy.

本篇文章是有沈阳雅思培训通途国际英语的Trista老师为大家带来的雅思听力剑5 Test1 Section 2,希望对雅思备考的童鞋们有所帮助。

本文由沈阳雅思培训通途国际英语原创,转载请保留链接: http://www.tingtoo.org/IELTS/tingli/169.html