SAT阅读的基本原则 通过总结分析大量的训练方法和做题技巧,并结合老师们在实战教学中的案例及经验,对SAT阅读考试方法做了以下总结。 1,第一次...
要想答好小说类的文章,最先要确定的就是哪个人物是故事的主人公。 这样,文章的侧重点从哪转移到哪以及文章的主旨题,以主人公的感情态度为主线进行转移来选答案就容易很多。 比如简奥斯汀的小说节选《诺桑觉寺》。...
It was the first of April, and Julius Barrett, aged fourteen, perched on his father’s gatepost, watched ruefully the low descending sun, and counted that day lost. He had not succeeded in “fooling” a single person, although he had...
准备XSAT考生们,今天笔者跟大家一起简单谈谈关于XSAT阅读考试;众所周知,XSAT考试对我们考生来讲并不轻松;尤其是在短短65分钟时间内,完成6篇(4+长对比)不同题材52道题目--相当于75s/题目, 绝对是一个非常严峻的考验;接下来 笔者会简单介绍下...
Another piece called to her mind a dainty young woman clad in an Empire gown, taking mincing dancing steps as she came down a long avenue between tall hedges. Again, another reminded her of children at play, and still another o...
"Would you like to hear Mademoiselle Reisz play?" asked Robert, coming out on the porch where she was. Of course Edna would like to hear Mademoiselle Reisz play; but she feared it would be useless to entreat her.
Catherine began to feel something of disappointment—she was tired of being continually pressed against by people, the generality of whose faces possessed nothing to interest, and with all of whom she was so wholly unacquainted th...